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Riverside Bankruptcy Attorneys Work to Get You the Fresh Start You Deserve

Riverside bankruptcy attorneys are not on the fast track to wealth and riches.

If we were out to become fabulously wealthy we would probably go into a practice area like corporate law or even criminal defense. Defending White Collar crimes can be very lucrative, after all. No, most of us go into this practice area because we have a thirst for social justice and see debt relief as one way of balancing the scales, of seeking true justice for everyone. When we help families save their home using Chapter 13 or their small business using Chapter 11 protections most of us go home at night feeling pretty darn good about ourselves. So if you are in a financial bind with creditors banging down your door or you are at risk of losing your home to a mortgage company who took the bailout that your taxes paid for and refused to extend you the same financial courtesy the US government gave to them then give this Riverside bankruptcy lawyer so I can help explain that:

  • Chapter 13 can stall a home foreclosure and force the mortgage company to modify your mortgage into something affordable
  • Chapter 13 forces an automatic stay of collection efforts
  • Chapter 13 gives you 3-5 years to pay back your debts, and those that cannot be paid back in 3-5 years are discharged
  • Chapter 13 can protect your car from repossession
  • Chapter 13 can help you consolidate all of your loans, unsecured debts, and back payments on secured debts into an interest-free, affordable payment made to the court
  • Chapter 13 allows you to immediately rebuild credit after discharge of debt because banks and lenders view it very differently than Chapter 7.

As a Riverside bankruptcy lawyer I see a lot of bankruptcy cases. I see the immediate relief that comes from just knowing there will be no more collection calls, no more harassment, and no more fears of losing your home or car. I get to work with families who are struggling to just keep the lights on and feed their children, people who didn’t spend outside their means until their means changed due to multiple job loss, long-term unemployment, and/or exorbitant medical bills. When they needed help the most, the got kicked in the gut. I’m proud to represent my clients and help them get the fair treatment they deserve.

If you are suffering the effects of high debt and unfriendly lenders, give me a call. I promise you fair and compassionate treatment and a helping hand out of debt.

You will always find a friend in this Riverside bankruptcy attorney.

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